Happy New Year from Bluehour Studio!

Debbie Styer 2013
 2013 was a strange year. Full of triumphs and disappointments. My business was pretty steady and I got into a few new shops this year but really need to focus and get myself out there in order to survive and thrive as an artist. My biggest disappointment? The holiday season. Truthfully, it was a pretty harsh reality check this season. I suppose I need to figure out how to sell illustration when customers are more interested in buying hand knitted scarves...Anyone have any ideas? My head is still spinning....

So, of course, It's that time of year and I'm sitting here thinking of all big changes I'll make happen in the next 12 months. The New Year is filled with such promise. It is a great time to reflect, get rid of what is not working and start again with a clean slate. I'm getting so excited to get going! Here's to an amazing 2014!!!

  1. Redo portfolio site! I need to add some of the illustrations from the book I've been working on.
  2. Finish that book! My deadline is April 1st!
  3. Create a hand written typeface for the book!
  4. Find part time job. This is pretty crucial to my well being!
  5. Get more involved with The Makeshift Society.
  6. Get more involved with my SFEtsy family. Help out more!
  7. Introduce myself to more magazine and blogs. Get published!
  8. Make more art! (At least 2 pieces a week!)
  9. Experiment with new projects!
  10. Make a new jewelry collection!
  11. Apply to City Arts Gallery!
  12. Less Etsy, more Gallery! (Of, course I will still be adding more work to my shop, but I think I need to get my work out there in the real world, where people can appreciate it up close)
  13. Start working on larger, more complex editorial pieces. 
  14. More walks, more cafes (basically get the hell out of the house more)
  15. Daily Journal writing... I'm restarting The Firestarter Sessions book!
  16. Get my work into more stores. 
  17. Start visualizing what my Big Picture looks like, instead of being bogged down by the little things!
  18. Exercise, move...get more energy to do more stuff!
  19. Make more connections, collaborate on projects!
  20. Redo this blog! Write more, post more, connect to others work.
  21. Keep learning and pushing forward!
  22. Bring camera with me always, take more photos, capture more references for illustrations.
  23. More mini vacations! 
  24. Get more organized!
A thought...I going to print this list! Carry it with me. Post it on the wall! Don't forget it!

What is on your list? 
Now imagine yourself with all the things DONE! Feels pretty good doesn't it! Yep!
Here's to You! May you have an amazing 2014!

Happy New Year from Bluehour Studio!

Debbie Styer 2013
 2013 was a strange year. Full of triumphs and disappointments. My business was pretty steady and I got into a few new shops this year but really need to focus and get myself out there in order to survive and thrive as an artist. My biggest disappointment? The holiday season. Truthfully, it was a pretty harsh reality check this season. I suppose I need to figure out how to sell illustration when customers are more interested in buying hand knitted scarves...Anyone have any ideas? My head is still spinning....

So, of course, It's that time of year and I'm sitting here thinking of all big changes I'll make happen in the next 12 months. The New Year is filled with such promise. It is a great time to reflect, get rid of what is not working and start again with a clean slate. I'm getting so excited to get going! Here's to an amazing 2014!!!

  1. Redo portfolio site! I need to add some of the illustrations from the book I've been working on.
  2. Finish that book! My deadline is April 1st!
  3. Create a hand written typeface for the book!
  4. Find part time job. This is pretty crucial to my well being!
  5. Get more involved with The Makeshift Society.
  6. Get more involved with my SFEtsy family. Help out more!
  7. Introduce myself to more magazine and blogs. Get published!
  8. Make more art! (At least 2 pieces a week!)
  9. Experiment with new projects!
  10. Make a new jewelry collection!
  11. Apply to City Arts Gallery!
  12. Less Etsy, more Gallery! (Of, course I will still be adding more work to my shop, but I think I need to get my work out there in the real world, where people can appreciate it up close)
  13. Start working on larger, more complex editorial pieces. 
  14. More walks, more cafes (basically get the hell out of the house more)
  15. Daily Journal writing... I'm restarting The Firestarter Sessions book!
  16. Get my work into more stores. 
  17. Start visualizing what my Big Picture looks like, instead of being bogged down by the little things!
  18. Exercise, move...get more energy to do more stuff!
  19. Make more connections, collaborate on projects!
  20. Redo this blog! Write more, post more, connect to others work.
  21. Keep learning and pushing forward!
  22. Bring camera with me always, take more photos, capture more references for illustrations.
  23. More mini vacations! 
  24. Get more organized!
A thought...I going to print this list! Carry it with me. Post it on the wall! Don't forget it!

What is on your list? 
Now imagine yourself with all the things DONE! Feels pretty good doesn't it! Yep!
Here's to You! May you have an amazing 2014!

New Month...New Possibilities!

Playground Springies (detail) by Debbie Styer 2013

I'm ready to start August anew! July flew by but I was able to get a lot done.
  1. I finished my first of my writers series, Edgar Allan Poe.
  2. I created new blog post and illustrations for "The Declaration of You! blog lovin' tour.
  3. I entered the Lilla Rogers Global Talent Search, (see illustration above) I didn't get to the next level but, man, did I learn a lot. I'm definitely going to enter more illustration contests. Do any of you know of any good ones?
August is always an intense month for me. It's my birthday (hello 42!) and it is the crazy catch up/planning for the upcoming holiday season. I also need to figure out my next big career steps and change my direction a bit.

It has been difficult lately, as any freelancer know, jobs tend to ebb and flow, and I need to figure out how to get it all a bit more balanced if possible. Here's my business plans for August.

  1. Design postcards to send to publishers.
  2. Create dream lists of art directors and publications.
  3. Learn best way to approach blogs about my work.
  4. Finish book!
  5. Design cover for book.
  6. Create at least 2 new illustrations a week.
  7. Blog 2x a week.
  8. Help out with SFEtsy Bootcamp!
  9. Increase hours at New Bohemia Signs.
  10. Create a illustration logo!
  11. Relax a bit and enjoy a mini vacation with my husband! 
I think that gives me enough to do this month... Yeesh! Here's to a fabulous August! I hope you all get tons of work done!

What's The Meetup? Do you have any business goals to share? You are welcome to join us at The Meetup, where creative people join together online and encourage each other to share their goals and dreams each month. Sound interesting to you? You can find out more here.


Ok, so I am a bit embarrassed to admit this but,  I have always had a huge problem with procrastination.  I think I am finally starting to break through this crappy part of my personality. To help with this, I've been reading, "The Now Habit" by Neil Fiore, and it has been super helpful. It has helped me rethink my approach to "work".  Maybe I'm crazy, but I'm getting pretty excited when I can cross things off my to-do list.  It feels so good.

I found this little guy outside tending to the lavender in the backyard. It is so cool watch how fast they fly around and get shit done. I'm working on that. So... finally as of this week  bluehour studio is an official legal business. All the paperwork is done. YAY!!!!! (I'm doing a happy dance now)

Little steps...can be kinda big. Don't you think?