March On and on...

School Children with Teachers Under Magnolia Trees on Oxford Street by Charles C. Zoller c. 1910

Wow, the year is certainly flying! Here's to a fabulous new month! I'm really excited about March. I'm ready to get out and get things done.

In the past, I had been sharing my monthly business goals but stopped because I got too busy, or so I thought. But truthfully, I kind of miss them. It is pretty empowering to create a public set of goals don't you think?

So what have I been up to? The last few months have been OK as far as illustration goes. I have been steadily working on my book project and had a bunch custom portraits completed. Etsy has been a great learning experience and I think I am finally getting how it all works (although it could be much better).

As far as March goes, I have a bit of news, I recently became one of the leaders of SFEtsy! It is so exciting for me. It will be a lot of work but I am really happy to get to know a bunch of new people and shops (There are over 850 members shops in SFEtsy). As a bonus, I think it will teach me more about marketing as I learn through helping the other shops promote their artwork.

Here's my March Goals:

  1. Continue working on the book. The goal is 6 pages a month. I'm almost on schedule...BTW, the books has been really fun so far. I'm illustrating my way through a light historical tale and really getting into the fun of Medieval Europe.
  2. Redo website. It is time to get this as professional as possible. 
  3. Become a Adobe InDesign Expert! I will be designing my book and need to make sure this process is as easy as possible.
  4. Add original pieces to my Etsy Shop.
  5. Add new prints to shop. I am working on some new animals right now.
  6. Work on my Storenvy shop.
  7. Read "The Fire Starter Sessions" by Danielle Laporte. (Has anyone done this?)
  8. Read, "Grow Your Own Business" by Kari Chapin.
  9. Research my next steps...
  10. Get more involved with The Makeshift Society.
What's that saying, "March Comes in Like A Lion"? Well, Roar...

Do you have any big plans coming up this month?

Hope you all have a wonderfully productive and happy March! Do you have any big plans coming up?

Introducing...Miss Sarah

I'm so excited about being part of the SFEtsy group show in May. I just wanted to share the original painting I dropped off at the Gallery yesterday. (There will also be a bunch of my prints to purchase too!)

Here's Miss Sarah. Her story, she is a 27 year old, seamstress and lace maker who creates incredible dresses for all the rich woman in town. She dreams of one day being able to wear one of her own creations. Until then, she sits in the near darkness hour after hour, stitch after stitch, dreaming of a better life...

I hope you like her.

The SFEtsy group show opens on May 2nd and runs till MAy 27th.
Artist Reception, May 12th 2-6pm

Studio Gallery
1815 Polk Street
San Francisco, CA 94109

Here's more information about the show.