Introducing...some new Victorian Portraits

Here are a few new portraits for my Ladies & Gents series...I have been having a wonderful time creating all of these portraits. There is so much I want to experiment with. I would love to create some jewelry with them. (I've been planning on making lockets) and I am thinking of putting them all in a book. I have a few more to do, I plan on doing 30 all together, so far I have 26. And I need to figure out get these lovelorn people to meet. The story possibilities are endless...

Miss Amelia, 26, Ladies Maid

Benjamin, 29, Gentleman

Miss Charlotte, 23, Upper-House Made

Maude, 27, Stage Actress

Jasper, 31, Apothecary

Ambrose, 36, Photographer

I hope you like the newest portraits...If you are interested, they are available for purchase in my shop.

Do you have a favorite?

Ladies & Gents, Part 2

I just finished the second 10 illustrations for my "Ladies & Gents" series. Each character will be taking part in a little bit of a Victorian Dating Service. I have to wonder, who will be right for each other, who will be wrong? All of the possibilities are floating around in my head. Here are all the new Victorians...I hope you like them.
Abiel, Age 28, Soldier

Albert, Age 38, Store Manager

Becky, Age 19, Student

Harland, Age 36, Scientist

Hortence, Age 41, Mother of 8, Widower

James, Age 27, Gambler

Lydia, Age 32, Performer

Mordecai, Age 41, Magician

Natalie, Age 20, Cook

Theodosia, Age 42, Widow & Caregiver
I'm really excited about creating stories for each of these drawings. I'n the end there will be 20 different characters. I may do more but I would love to get these turned into prints ASAP. I can imagine people creating their own couples and putting their lost relatives on their walls. Here's to giving new couples a  chance at love...

Anyone have a favorite?

In Progress...

What have I been up to lately, you ask? Well, I have been work on some new portraits for my "Ladies & Gents" series. I am trying to get all 20 illustrations done by the end of the week. And get them made available for prints ASAP. Wish me luck!

Here is a sneak peek at the lonely and loveless crew...

First, the Gentlemen:

Albert, James & Abiel
 and, The Ladies:
Natalie, Lydia, Hortence
Next, I'll finish the drawings of the last 4. After that, I will add the watercolor and gouache.

I better get back to work!

More Ladies & Gents...

I just finished a few more portraits for my "Ladies & Gents" series. It has been really wonderful developing each one of them and creating different characters. The next step is writing each of their profiles and getting them photographed and put up on Etsy. So far there are 10 people in the series, but I would love to create many more...

Edwin, 33, rich boy with very low self esteem

Laura, 37, school teacher...hoping for love.

Ezra, 18, quiet, mill worker

Rowena, 29, reluctant rich girl...into all things political

Fredrick, 31, writer & investigator
Lucuan, 26, a bit of a drifter...

Hope you like them.The more I look at them the closer I feel to them. I think they are all very old souls, wanting to live again.

Introducing...Ladies & Gents

Here are a few more Victorian Portraits for my Ladies & Gents series. I'm still working on creating more in depth stories but hopefully you will get the idea the little bio's I put up.  I will be finishing up a few more illustrations this weekend and posting them ASAP.  Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Agnes...age 19, shop girl

Silas...Age 35, Accountant for underground

Nettie...Age 20, Nanny...working her way up from the downstairs of the house.
Hope you like them...

Miss Abigale

Sorry for the absence. I had my first camping trip of the year this weekend on beautiful Angel Island in the San Francisco Bay. I had a wonderful relaxing time but now it is time to get back to work...Here is what I've been working on.

This is one of the first illustrations from my "Ladies & Gents" series: Her name is Miss Abigale.  She has such a story of loss to tell. Her husband and young daughter were lost at sea. She waited years for them to return. But it never happened. She doesn't want to move on but she must. She is so lonely...Now it is time for her to look for love once again.

I have more of these Victorian Portraits in the works and I'll post them soon and tell you all about my ideas for this series.

I hope you like her.

30 in 30 update...

I just wanted to give you all a peak at what I am working on. I am creating a series of Victorian portraits. They are amazingly fun to create. I love all the strange haircuts and the fabulous clothing. I decided to work on a bunch of them together to make sure they would work well as a series. I would love to make them into prints and finally get that Etsy shop going. I'm working on creating stories about each character and make them kind of a mix and match dating thing...

Each one of these will be painted with watercolor paints and pen & ink...The green tape will be removed when they are all painted. It helps create a nice, crisp border in all paintings.