Scenes from a Art Opening...

Here are a few of my favorite shots from last weekends New Bohemia Signs/Jeff Canham & Steve Powers art show at the Guerrero Gallery in San Francisco. It was definitely an amazing event and I was very happy such a huge crowd came out to see it. A I am glad to report that a lovely time was had by all and I feel super proud to be part of it.  Take a look...

Damon hand painting the gallery intro.

Damon & Kerry being silly.

Ain't we cute?

Jimmy the Saint, Caitlyn, Candice & Heather (AKA meeting of sign painters)

A Crowd shot...

Candice and her "Paper Moon"

Steve Powers, Damon Styer & Ken Davis

Melissa, Scott & their wee one...

Caitlyn and her signs.

Setting up the show...

(top)Help Your Self (to Alleppey Timber Lorries)
  (below)Help Your Self (to 19th c. French Colonial “Specimens Typographies”, much as they helped themselves to their colonies)
by Damon Styer

By Stephen Powers

By Stephen Powers
Pre-Vinylite Society by Josh Luke

Help Your Self (to Stephen Powers) by Damon Styer

Signs by Ken Davis
A Quart Jar of Jeff Canham

More fabulousness
A sleepy Damon...

Here is the link to the whole flickr set if you are interested...

Hope you enjoyed checking out the show.

New Bohemia Signs at the Guerrero Gallery

Here's a bit of a sneak peek...signs reflecting in gold leaf
I just wanted to tell you about the upcoming gallery show coming up this Saturday. My husband Damon and his fellow sign shop artists are having a art show at the Guerrero Gallery in San Francisco's Mission District.  They have been working so hard and creating such incredible artwork. If you don't already know, I've started  working at the shop this month.   This has given me a kind of exclusive access to all these artists their preparation to this show. It has been pretty damn inspiring. And I must say, I've been blow away by what they have all created.

So...If you are in San Francisco, come out and see the show. It will be amazing.

Here's the show flyer...
The show is not only featuring New Bohemia Signs but also Jeff Canham and Steve Powers...

Guerrero Gallery
2700 19th Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

The opening is Saturday, June 11th at 7pm. Hope to see you there!

And I will be there with camera in hand to take plenty of pictures.  I'll be posting the ASAP!

Genuine & Authentic (continued...)

Here are a few more pieces from the New Bohemia Signs art show that opened on Thursday....

Made with Real by Damon Styer

Bonafided signs by Aaron Cruse
Emulate A More Vernacular Feel by Damon Styer
Emulate Sign (detail) by Damon Styer
Genuine Authentic Sign by Jeff Canham
Genuine Authentic by Jeff Canham

It is a wonderful show. Come on and see all the hand painted signs at the Peak Gallery at Summit San Francisco,(780 Valencia Street @19th) if you can. The show is up till March 24th.  The signs are lovely...

Hope you can stop by...

Genuine & Authentic

Here are a few pictures I took for my husbands art show(New Bohemia Signs) last night. It was wonderful. It is amazing how many people packed into the gallery(Peek Gallery in the Summit Cafe). The work was beautiful as always and I am proud of all of these very talented artists. Here is some of their work...

by Caitlyn Galloway
by Candice Obayashi

by Josh Luke

Show logo hand painted right on the wall...

This is my Damon one of his signs

by Ken Davis

A very packed gallery...
My friend Chaim, enjoying the show...

Greg being very true...

Josh Luke with his Florescent signs
My friend Rani, living the real life...

Look up, Genuine Ransom note...Designed by Damon Styer

The New Bohemia Signs Crew

 New Bohemia Signs(pictured above) is back row: Jeff Canham, Heather Hardison, Josh Luke, Scott Theisen,
front row: Damon Styer, Caitlyn Galloway, Corinne Matesich, Ken Davis, Aaron Cruse and Candice Obayashi.

I'll be adding a few more here soon...

New Bohemia Signs Art Show....

Hey Everybody...I just wanted to tell you about an amazing happening this Thursday in San Francisco. My husband's sign shop, New Bohemia Signs, is having an art show! If you can't make it, I promise to take lots of pictures and post them here ASAP!

Here is the postcard for the show...

Hope to see you there!