Debra Styer Illustration

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Pop Surrealist Portraits

If I lived in the L.A. area I would be at the Roq La Rue Gallery all the time. I love the bizarre artwork they hang. Here are a few pieces of my favorite artists they have exhibited. He seems like a nice homage to all of the old photographs I've been posting:

Mark Ryden was one of the first Pop Surrealists that I noticed. Discovering his work opened  up a whole new world for me as an artist. I was never that comfortable with abstraction or conceptual art. I wanted to paint and capture emotions through the eyes of the people I painted. I loved history and weird things...and really dark things. He became one of my favorite artists working to today...

Check out more of his work at his own site:
"Drips" 2003

"Rose" by Mark Ryden 2003

"Awakening the Moon" by Mark Ryden 2010
A portrait of the artist as a young man by

Travis Louie is someone I discovered when he donated some artwork for the Totoro Forest Project auction I went to a couple of years ago. I really regret not bidding on his artwork...maybe someday I'll have a piece of my own.  For now I can always look at these beautiful spooky portraits he has created. Aren't they wonderful.

For more...check out his website here.

"Ethel" by Travis Louie

"The Hypno Doll" By Travis Louie

"The Smiler" by Travis Louie

Beautiful aren't they? I wonder what would happen if they painted me...