Debra Styer Illustration

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Feeling Nolstalgic...My Favorite Children's Books

I have been thinking a lot about books lately, and Children's books in particular. I decided to go on a trip back in time to share my absolute favorite growing up. It is interesting just how much we connected with these books even if they popular or not. I just loved them. I would look at them over and over. They were precious to me. Here are some of my favorites:

I love the simple drawings of this book...more here

This encouraged me to wanna draw everywhere.
Strangely enough I always wanted this one but my mom never bought it for me.

I wanted to be that doll.

Miss Suzy was just so cool.

This was one of my all time favorites...I love, love, love the drawings
Who didn't want to be Madeline?
Super fun, color and craziness

This makes me so sad, then happy.

This was always a favorite.
It is amazing how floods of memories hit when I look these. My God, I'm sappy. I don't have kids so I can't really live vicariously through their books. I wonder if kids still have that same kind of bond with...or maybe I was just weird. I suppose that is why I became a illustrator.

 What kids books were your favorites?