Debra Styer Illustration

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What a week.

I spent last weekend enjoying my second anniversary with my wonderful husband, Damon. We went to the Kirkwood Resort in the Sierras for a little skiing. It was pretty amazing. I hadn't skied in over 20 years and was super nervous but I did it with out hurting myself too much.

It was wonderful to get out there in the snow, I've been a San Francisco girl for about 15 years, and I tend to forget to what cold actually feels like. Getting out of the city every once is a while is so healthy and I really need to remember to go away more.

Everything was perfect(except for a few car problems), the trip was really fun. Even the studio we rented right on the mountain was very romantic. It was amazing to just laze around and cuddle up in front of a fire.
Fake deer in real snow.

These cool skis were designed by Jeff Canham who is a former employee of my husbands shop New Bohemia Signs.  I knew there was a reason to like these skis as soon as I saw them.

Here is my hubby in the snow. 

It was a wonderful relaxing weekend and everything was going well until my return to work and my lay-off notice. Yep...I'll be laid off soon. I'm actually kind of relieved, finally some time to work on all of this art stuff.