Debra Styer Illustration

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It's time for the May Meetup!

Getting ready for a fabulously fun and work filled May.  Thank you Nationaal Archief for this pic.

 It's already May? Oh, my, another page flipped on the calendar. Well Hum...April was a another busy month. I didn't quite make the 30 drawings in 30 day challenge but I did manage to make 16 paintings. So with that, I am happy. It was a good month. And I managed to go on 2 lovely camping trips and have very busy holiday. I started a painting series that I love and am ready to keep pushing forward with bluehour studio. Woo Hoo!

I also started working part time for my husband at his design shop, and am learning to be a sign painter.  I'm so excited, I love the artists that work for him already and will be delighted to have hand painted sign skills on my resume. I will also be going full time for a bit while his manager goes on paternity leave.  Hopefully I will be able to continue getting all my illustration work done in May. Fingers crossed...

I was also happy to get my website started in I have a way to go but am happy the most confusing bit has been worked through.

Also started work on my Etsy page. I'm not ready to show it yet but an truly excited to get it going.

So what's on the agenda for MAY?
  1. Finish the website. It is a pretty simple portfolio site but hopefully it will be very strong showcase for my work.
  2. Finish the Etsy site and go LIVE with it.
  3. Restart the 30 in 30 day challenge. Ok maybe it is not possible with my busy schedule but I really like how many pieces I finished this month. So my challenge is to keep pushing at the same pace.
  4. Keep up the Blog try for a solid 3x a week or more. 
  5. I would love to get involved with more Blog Hops.
  6. Keep pace with Twitter and Facebook (I have a facebook page for bluehour studio now, check it here)
  7. Start researching better ways to get the word out about my work.
  8. Finish first 10 pieces of "Ladies & Gents" series. Start next 10 pieces. 
  9. Write " Ladies & Gents" dating cards. 
  10. Do a piece for Illustration Friday 2x a month.
  11. Get new website up on Illustration Mundo.
  12. Working on building a stronger artistic community. Looking forward finding and being inspiration.
I am coming upon my one year business anniversary in July.  I will be so happy to have all of this done. I has been having a wonderful/amazing/frustrating as hell year. I am ready to improve my focus and really start showing my work to the world. I know that it does take time to get a business going and I am looking forward to finishing up all the loose ends.

All I can say is this month or so is going to be crazy. I haven't worked full time (for someone else) in almost a year. Let's hope I can keep focus on getting all I need to get done. Wish me luck!

I hope that you all have a super productive and creatively magnificent May too! Here's to us all.

What is the Meetup thing, you ask? It is a group of creatives that encourage each other each month to make and complete their goals. Join is an amazing to watch the progress of others and yourself...
Contact Liz for more info here.