Debra Styer Illustration

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I'm Not An Expert But...on Spirtuality Vs the Brain Spin

I figure if I could just calm my damn brain down I could rule the world. Or at least get my illustration business going a little more clearly. All I need to to is learn to meditate and breath,  right? That's what I keep hearing anyway.

  thank you Smithsonian Magazine

Here is my new daily ritual:

1. Make some herb tea. It is a nice thank you to your body after your meditation.
2. Light a candle. It always helps me get into the "zone"
3. Sit on couch legs crossed indian style, or what ever is most comfortable to you.
4. Sit up a bit straighter than usual.
5.Hands in lap.
6. Close your eyes.
7. Take some deep breaths
8. Try to knock away thoughts as they arise, don't worry to much about this though.
9. Breath some more, deeply.
10. Do this for about 5 to 10 minutes, or more if you wish. Set a timer, so you aren't always looking at a clock.
11. Try to do this daily
12. See what happens to your sense of calm.

I'm trying to do this because of my crazy lack of concentration and swells of anxiety I sometimes get. Here is a sketch I did this morning of how I've been feeling.

Basically I need to figure out so much stuff, with running my own business and creating a whole world of illustrations. It has been a little over two weeks since I have started this freelance thing and it is like creating a whole new world for myself.

I'm sure there are a lot of you in my same situation. How did you do it? Any secrets to share?